Thursday, March 18, 2010

St. Patrick's Day Celebration

Our St. Patrick's Day celebration started in the wee hours of the morning. We began our day by having our first annual St. Patrick's Day competition. The competition was a chance for us all to put together our most festive St. Patty's Day outfit. The winners were determined by the applause from the audience. Here our some pictures from our competition.

All of our contestants!

Our first prize winner, Myron!

Our second place winner Marian!

After the competition was finished we enjoyed singing Irish tunes such a "Danny Boy" and " When Irish Eyes are Smiling." After lunch it was time for us to enjoy some entertainment from Carm Marie Dance Studio! Not only did they dance for us, but they also sang us some Irish songs. During the entertainment we enjoyed green beer, green pop, and cupcakes! You'll be green with envy at all the fun we had today!!

For more information please check out our website at:

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