Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A very special Veteran's Day lunch!

Today was a very special Veteran's Day for us. The Veterans had a special lunch, special in many ways. First, the Vets were treated to a lunch of pizza, pop, wings, salad, and apple pie. Yummy. During lunch, Rise (our social worker) stopped in with some friends to speak with the Vets. The Vets reminisced about their time in the service, both good and bad. At times it became quite emotional, with several Vets breaking down while telling their stories. Then, a group of children presented our Vets with an American flag.

Also joining us today were John Pieinelli, a retired Army man, and Tim Joyner, a career Navy Chief of 20 years. These gentlemen spoke with our Vets and shared stories and chatted. John was badly wounded during his time of service, and thankfully has recovered after a very long recovery.

Eden Heights of West Seneca would like to extend a sincere thank you to all of our Veterans. Without your bravery we would not have the freedoms that we have today. Make sure you hug a Vet today!

For more information, check out our website!

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