Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thanksgiving Crafts

Today we had a lot of fun making a Thanksgiving craft. We painted Turkey sun catchers to decorate our windows! Everyone had fun making their turkey colorful and unique! Check out some of our pictures to see for yourself!

For more information please check out our website at: http://www.edenheights.com/wseneca.html

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Fun!

We had so much fun on Halloween! We we're dancing in the activities room and had many visitors young and old all dressed up in costumes. For snack we had apple cider and donuts along with what else but Halloween candy! We also had a costume contest and one of our residents, Betty, won. She was dressed up as a clown in a costume that she made herself a few years ago. Take a look at our pictures and see all the fun we had!

For more information please check out our website: http://www.edenheights.com/wseneca.html