Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Carolers

This week at Eden Heights we have been able to enjoy Christmas Carols sung by special guests. On Tuesday we had troop 616 visit us and on Wednesday we had girl scouts come in to sing and pass out Christmas cards. We are also looking forward to hearing a stringed trio play for us and on Saturday we are having a visit from another girl scout group. It's been a busy and exciting month for us!

For more information please check out our website at:

Hi everyone! This past saturday at Eden Heights we had our annual Christmas Party. All our families and close friends were welcome to come. We enjoyed entertainment by Lyle Stang and Bruce Englehart. We also had yummy christmas cookies, cheese and crackers, beautiful fruit trays, and delicious punch! It was so nice to spend time with the ones we love and to be able to celebrate the joyous season together. We had two raffles; one for a pair of christmas bears and another for a handmade crocheted blanket made by one of our residents. We had so much fun and look forward to next years party. Check out our pictures from the day!

For more information please visit our website at:

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tree Trimming and Frosting Cookies!

Hi Everyone! yesterday at Eden Heights of West Seneca we really got into the Holiday Spirit! We started off our afternoon by decorating the Christmas Tree in the activity room. We hung all the ornaments and put the angel on the top. Then we set up the Nativity scene right underneath the tree. After decorating the tree we frosted cookies with help from one of our favorite volunteers, Bethany! We had cutouts of mittens, penguins, and ornaments that we decorated with red, green, and white frosting..and lots of sprinkles too!! We had a wonderful afternoon.

For more information please check us out at :

Entertainment by Nandor

On December 7th, at Eden Heights of West Seneca we were thrilled to have Nandor come visit us again! We had so much fun listening to him perform many Christmas tunes. He sang and played his accordian and trumpet. Some of us even decided to get up and dance! We can't wait for him to come back and perform again!

For more information please check us out at:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thanksgiving Crafts

Today we had a lot of fun making a Thanksgiving craft. We painted Turkey sun catchers to decorate our windows! Everyone had fun making their turkey colorful and unique! Check out some of our pictures to see for yourself!

For more information please check out our website at:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Fun!

We had so much fun on Halloween! We we're dancing in the activities room and had many visitors young and old all dressed up in costumes. For snack we had apple cider and donuts along with what else but Halloween candy! We also had a costume contest and one of our residents, Betty, won. She was dressed up as a clown in a costume that she made herself a few years ago. Take a look at our pictures and see all the fun we had!

For more information please check out our website:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October Birthday Social!

On October 26th we had our Birthday Social. We had yummy birthday cake and enjoyed entertainment from the "Retired Men's Service Club Chorus". We really had a fun time celebrating our October birthdays! Enjoy the pictures!

For more information please check out our website:

Friendship Lunch!

Yesterday we had our very first Friendship Lunch! All of our new residents that have joined us over the last few months were invited along with our administrator Terry, and two of our seasoned residents. We had delicious choices on our lunch menu: Chicken Alfredo with mixed vegetables or Fried Chicken with roasted potatoes and mixed vegetables and for dessert we had cheesecake! We had a lot of fun visiting with and getting to know each other. Hope you enjoy the pictures!

For more information please check out our website:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hi Everyone! This week at Eden Heights we celebrated Oktoberfest! For lunch we had Knockwurst and sauerkraut with German potato salad. For dessert we had delicious German Chocolate Cake. In the afternoon we enjoyed entertainment by Nandor. He sang many German folk songs-- some familiar and some not. He played saxophone, accordion, and sang!! While listening to Nandor we had beer and warm, soft pretzels. We had a lot of fun celebrating, dancing, and singing along!!!

for more information please check out our website:

Thursday, October 14, 2010

October Fun!

Hi Everyone! We have been very busy with fun fall crafts, pumpkin rides, and apple snacks! This past week we enjoyed a pumpkin ride to The Great Pumpkin Patch in Clarence. We took the back roads out in the country and were able to enjoy the beautiful fall foliage and we even spotted a few deer. Some of us got pumpkins and stopped in their bakery to get some treats. On Tuesday we had wonderful entertainment by Bruce Englehart. He played guitar and sang some of our favorite old tunes like, "When Irish Eyes are Smiling" and "Let Me Call You Sweetheart". On Wednesday we had a double treat! We had Fowler's Chocolates come in to sell some candy bars and other chocolate..perfect timing for sweetest day! We also had students from the West Seneca School district come in and play bowling with us-- we had a blast with them! We'll keep you updated with the many more activities we have coming up at Eden Heights of West Seneca!

for more information please check out our website at:

Friday, September 24, 2010

County Executive, Chris Collins Comes to Visit!

On September 25th we had Erie County Executive Chris Collins as our guest speaker. He first told us a little about himself and how he came into office. He also touched base a little on future programs for seniors. County Executive Chris Collins then visited with the residents and also took a tour of our facility. We then had refreshments and snacks.

For more information please check out our website at:

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Last week we joined Eden Heights of Eden to have a steak lunch to honor the fathers! After lunch we enjoyed delicious cheesecake with melba sauce! The men enjoyed each other's company, and the time that they were able to establish new friendships!

For more information please visit our website at: